Random photographs
Everyone remember this?

Doesn't that feel like so long ago now?
If I remember correctly, these are the flowers Mike got me when I was depressed because I didn't get the paralegal job the first time around. Of course, I didn't know I should have been celebrating that near-escape, as that place was about to completely ruin my life for the next four months. At any rate, he is a true BFF.
Our bunnies, Trillian (left) and Morrigan (right), when we first got them.
Here's my last day at Relin, Goldstein & Crane. There's my first very own cubicle (with the desk looking neater than it ever had before), and that's my crazy friend Jamie next to me. Looking at this fills me with a mixture of nostalgia and nausea. Thank God it's over.
And now to the present....
Yeah, he looks thrilled to be with me. Like he's been sucking on a lemon.
funny picture... Will looks hot.
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