Location: West Henrietta, New York, United States

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I'm at work. I've been staring at a PDF since 8 am, and I feel like someone punched me in both eyes. I'm finally finished with it, and I've got nothing to do, but my trainer has told me that he is busy for the next half hour, and to try him again at 3. So I sit, and I wait.

I played chimes for Kelly the other day, and thank God she liked one of the songs. It sucks to work really hard on music for a month, and when the songs actually start to sound the way they're supposed to, you realize you hate them. One of the two rejects wasn't so bad, but it didn't put me in that wedding mood. She didn't like either one of them. But she seemed to absolutely love the third one, which is a huge relief. I was worried that she wouldn't like any of them, and I'd have to search for music and start all over again; or that she'd sort of like them, but not LOVE them. I wanted her to hear the music and say, "Yes, I want that in my wedding." Not only did she say that, but she also said that if I perfect it, people will be trying to hire me after the wedding to play for them. This is why I miss playing bells - it was always such an ego boost. It's the only thing I've ever been able to say that I am damn good at. Incidentally, the winning song is "I Know Him By Heart" by Vonda Shepard. I'll post the lyrics on here eventually, because I love them.

I get such a thrill out of stupid little things. Some woman just came by and brought me my official nameplate for my cubicle. Until now, there's just been a piece of paper with my name on it, held up by thumbtacks. I want to take a picture of it. I said so, and the lady looked at me like I was nuts, and left as quickly as she could. I have my camera, but the flash may draw too much attention. Maybe I'll camp out here until everyone's gone.

Or maybe not.

Almost three - I guess I had better go. To sit. And wait.


Blogger Michael said...

Just face it. You are nuts! In fact we both are which is probably one of the reasons why we can live together without killing each other. :P Hope your day is going well. With any luck no one will notice when you fall asleep.

6:40 AM  

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