Blame Canada

I sent around a message to a lot of you a while back about the seal hunt that's going on in Canada right now, and in case you didn't get a chance to read it, please just take a look at this:
I'm sure you're all sick of hearing me express my horror over this outrage or that outrage, but I know all of you and I know that you'll find this one just as upsetting as I do. I think that the very least all of us can do is sign the boycott on Canadian seafood and send a message to the Canadian government. This part of the protest seems to be the one that's slowly gaining force with each year - if everyone took part in this, it would leave Canada with little choice but to call off the hunt.
Roll your eyes all you want, I'm used to it, but this time I'm not asking you to give up eating meat... stop wearing leather... boycott the circus... just to read this and consider for a moment the reality of a three-week old baby seal beaten and skinned alive. Wait, make that 270,000 baby seals. This one isn't up for debate, it is just plain indefensibly wrong.
Thank you for your time.
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